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Welcome and Thank you for visiting Serene Tyme Morgans!
My name is Beth Meyer the owner and trainer of Serene Tyme Morgans. My first encounter with Morgan horses was in 2011 when I worked for Judy Trudeau owner of Oldtyme Farm, who was proud of her breeding program consisting of Government and Brunk bred Morgans such as Wyoming FlyHawk and Funquest lines. When Judy passed away, and her horses were sold it was a dream of mine to own and continue breeding what Judy had started in the future. Fast Forward to Summer of 2021, it was time for my dream to start coming true of breeding Versatile, Family Morgans. I happened to stumble across Joyce Napotnik of Maple Spring Morgans, who was looking to retire from breeding. I purchased my first group of Clean Blood Lamberts in September 2021. Since that day, the Lord has been guiding me along this journey adding more horses to the herd. Through God's Grace and His Plan I was able to purchase the last three mares from Judy's and fulfill Judy's dreams.
Are you looking for a fun, relaxing recreational activity for you and your family? If so, then you should explore the fascinating world of the Morgan horse! Whatever your interest in the horse world- from riding along a wooded trail to glittering excitement of the show ring- the Morgan is the horse for you. Since the earliest days of the Morgan breed, dating back almost 200 years, this proud horse has been known for its versatility. And what's more, the Morgan does it all with a style and grace found in no other breed. It is not uncommon to find a Morgan horse competing in Dressage, Jumping, Eventing, Endurance, Roping, Cutting Cattle, Ranch Work, Reining, Rail Classes, Youth Ride, Mounted Police and much more. The wide selection of events at shows is clear evidence of the Morgan's versatility. And many of these show ring champions are owned and exhibited by people just like you, who take great pride in their lovely and talented Morgan. Yes, the Morgan is indeed a versatile breed. But what makes the Morgan horse truly special is that this versatility exists within each horse. It is not unusual to find a single Morgan participating in several different activities requiring various skill and abilities. And wherever you find Morgans, you will also find their proud owners, enjoying these beautiful and talented horse in every way. Yes, the Morgan is indeed a horse for all seasons and all reasons. And he's THE horse for you!
Click here for more on the History of these Morgans
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